Punjab Police Constable Sargodha Final Merit List 2024 - Chek Punjab Police Constable Merit List Pdf Download. A successful Candidate list qualifies for the interview.
Punjab Police Constable Result 2024. Punjab Police interview selected candidates Final merit list 2024. Join Punjab Police Constable, Lady Constable, Traffic Assistant, Driver Jobs 2024. Punjab Police Phase 1 & 2 Jobs. Welcome to Jobinfo.
All the candidates who have applied for Constable, Lady Constable, Traffic Assistant, and Driver Constable February 2024 and qualified in Physical Mayor Minute, Running Test, and Written and Interview stages are hereby notified.
The interview stage has been completed the recruitment of Sargodha Police, and the list of successful candidates in the interview has been released. The waiting list of candidates has also been released. Successful candidates will be informed soon for medical tests and further verification.
Sargodha Police congratulates the successful candidates
Successful candidates will be intimated soon for medical and verification
Final Interview Successful Candidates Merit List:
Minority Quota:
As Driver Constable in Sargodha Police (Open Merit, Minority Quota):
In Sargodha Police as Traffic Assistant Male and Female (Open Merit) and (Lady Quota):
Successful Candidates in the Interview Stage for Sargodha Police Recruitment as Lady Constable (Lady Quota) and (EX-Army Quota):
Sargodha Police Recruitment as Constable Mail and Per Mail List of Candidates Successful in Interview Stage Released